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250 Parkway Drive, Suite 150
Lincolnshire, IL 60069


Color is magic. It has such impact that it produces emotional responses. It is so versatile that it can be divided into countless tints, shades, and tones. These qualities make the use of color subjective and highly personal. There are no absolutes, no rigid rules. But there are principles that govern how colors work together.

Color is often used to described emotions, green with envy, sad to the point of being blue, rosy with optimism. There’s even purple passion. Colors do stimulate emotional and physical reactions in people. Each color has physiological value that must be considered with selecting a color for a room so the color feels right as well as looks right.

If you want something special for your living room wall, something with the character and charm, contact us Today. Our application goes on beautifully, a smooth flow of stain without brushmarks, without drips. And it stays beautiful. That makes Source Energy a super choice for your kitchen, bath or any room. Today and for many tomorrows.